Don't want to see certain words? Gab is a free (legal) speech site. The rest is up to you.
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Block = Mute + stop them from seeing your content + forced unfollow *use the 3 dots on a post/comment
Filters = words/phrases you don't like? Set up a filter here Avatar/Settings/Filters
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Groups Groups are popular on gab. They are where you meet friends and learn about interesting subjects. Groups you join become your Groups feed. Groups are a great way to meet new friends. Groups are moderated by the group's creator & his mods (not gab). Read the guidelines before joining/posting into a group. Guidelines are found in the About section on the group's page.
Timelines now have sorting options. Find sorting options at the top of each Feed. Timelines are chronological.
Home Timeline Your Home timeline is a chronological feed of posts/reposts 1) from who you follow 2) groups you've joined
Home timeline sorting: Default: Newest, with group posts Options:
Newest: chronological feed of all Home timeline posts
Newest, with group posts (no reposts)
Newest, no reposts: *Posts from who you follow* - (Pro subscribers only)